Sacbee Voter Guide – Donald Childs Questions and Answers

I participted in submitting basic bio info and answering specific issue questions posed by the Sacramento Bee, and well as general questions.

Link to access guide:

There isnt a way to only link to my profile and answers, so I will share them here.

Question 1: Who are your top three campaign contributors?

Donald Childs: I have not sought campaign contributions.

Question 2: While coronavirus restrictions are expected to eventually subside, budget shortfalls from COVID-19 are expected to persist. How will you address these and what are your priorities for spending in the future?

Donald Childs: With falling revenues comes an inability to maintain current city service levels not mandated by the state of California. The city will have to freeze, and in many cases reduce service levels across the board. Citizens will need to be engaged and dealt with as stakeholders in making those decisions. We have to reassess how we use our current revenue sources that are not state mandated, such as Measure H, and protect revenue generating sources such as housing construction, retail, hospitality industry and business to business sales and services activity. The city must also examine its revenue neutrality property tax payment agreements with Sacramento County. We must maintain our ability to address housing insecurity for working families to prevent increasing homelessness, and continue to seek partners, county, state and federal funding to address the homeless problem.

Question 3: Racial inequality exists in all of our communities. How do you plan to address these gaps in the community you are seeking to represent?

Donald Childs: I want to create a Diversity and Inclusion Commission, adopt a roadmap to change, identical to the process the city of Elk Grove adopted and implemented. I also want to adopt a policy of annual Implicit Bias training for all city employees, police department and city council. We deserve to be involved in the decisions that impact our quality of life and economic opportunities. Citizens of every other city in Sacramento County benefit from due process and inclusion a planning commission brings to the land use planning and zoning decisions that affect them. In 2011, the Rancho Cordova Planning Commission was suspended to benefit developers. If elected, I will work to restore the Planning Commission.

Question 4: Housing affordability is changing our neighborhoods. What must be done to ensure our communities provide enough quality affordable housing for families of all income levels?

Donald Childs: The City of Rancho Cordova has identified in its housing element vacant infill sites and underutilized infill sites within the Folsom Boulevard Corridor, Coloma Road Corridor for affordable housing projects. The city needs to continue to focus on encouraging housing production through zoning appropriate land, and facilitate owners of unsuccessful, underperforming and vacant office/retail parcels to rezone to residential mixed-use zoning.

Question 5: What do you believe is the most important issue facing your constituents today, and what will you do to address it?

Donald Childs: Housing Insecurity. Many Rancho Cordovans face uncertainty in maintaining employment and paying their rent or mortgages. Just over 40% of residents in Rancho Cordova rent, living in multi-family housing. I want to expand the Folsom Cordova Community Partnership – Relief Safety Net Services: CDBG-CV– grant program, by appropriations from Measure H fund, CDBG-CV fund to provide a one time rental or mortgage payment grant to residents who have a dire need, and are facing eminent homelessness from current budget of $100,000 to $500,000. I also want to increase funding for Sacramento Self-Help Housing: Housing Counseling and Renters Helpline services provided to Rancho Cordovans.